Monday, June 14, 2010

I love Mondays

Mondays we rest a little. Our weekends are usually pretty busy, either working around the farm or on the house or out adventuring around Tasmania.  Even Scott gets to rest a little today as it is a public holiday. He has gone to work but should be home around lunch time... which is soon!

Usually I encourage laziness on Mondays. I let the kids watch TV and lay around. Their weeks are busy but Monday is quiet time. I don't give them chores. I don't cook a lot. I try and take some time to just read a book or listen to some music. Mondays are for staying in your pyjamas until late and laying on the couch... Hey Bridge!

I finished the owl tea towel over the weekend. I like how it turned out as an embroidery pattern. There are a few mistakes and bits that need changing but as a tea towel it turned out OK.

Dustin liked the owl embroidery and asked for one to hang on his wall so I have already finished his and it looks good.

I haven't got an actual finished photo of it yet but it should be hanging on Dustin's newly painted wall in a day or two if I get my act together and finish his clouds.


  1. Nice. You are going to post a picture of it on the wall with the clouds...right?

  2. Where's the *like* button?
    I love the owls and really can't wait to see the walls.
